About Us

Bloom Worship is a collective team of pastors, musicians, worship leaders, and songwriters who serve every week at Bloom Church.

Pastor's Mike and Amanda Carlton planted Bloom Church in 2013. We have seen God move powerfully in our church, reaching thousands of people. Bloom Worship focuses on creating an experience where authentic, Holy Spirit-inspired worship connects people with the heart of God. Led by Pastor Mike Halverson, the worship team is motivated by the core belief that just one second in the presence of God can change a life forever.

Our Core Values

Who We Are

We Represent Jesus
We Represent Jesus

First and foremost, we are Disciples of Jesus and we understand our lifestyle is our greatest example. We are the Billboards of Jesus and His Church in our communities and steward that privilege by conducting ourselves in a way that honors God. Our desire is to help people grow closer to Jesus and to never be a stumbling block.

We Are Enthusiastically Generous
We Are Enthusiastically Generous

We believe it is better to give than to receive and we will enthusiastically give generously of our time, talents, treasures, and our testimonies.

We Are Multipliers
We Are Multipliers

“Whoever wants to be a leader among you must be your servant.” -Jesus.

It is not about us, but the people we lead and we spend our energy inspiring and empowering them. We cannot accomplish a double Kingdom Impact individually and if that is our mission our calling is shoulder ministry. We make those we lead bigger, better, and stronger so we can populate heaven and depopulate hell!

We Take Initiative
We Take Initiative

We understand ideas are not enough and we must execute. Complacency is our Kryptonite, so we work hard to stretch ourselves as we dream 10x size dreams, set goals, set deadlines, and accomplish double Kingdom Impact!

We Strive For Humility
We Strive For Humility

With Pride comes destruction and ego hates correction. No one is perfect, and we all have blind, deaf, and dumb spots, which requires feedback and honest self-reflection. Humility is simply awareness; you can’t grow yourself if you don’t know yourself.

Focal Scripture

"From here on, worshiping the Father will not be a matter of the right place but with the right heart. For God is a Spirit. and he longs to have sincere worshipers who worship and adore him in the realm of the Spirit and in truth.”

John 4:23-24

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